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Do I Need a Georgia Lawyer to Handle My Traffic Accident Ticket?
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Do I Need a Georgia Lawyer to Handle My Traffic Accident Ticket?

by | Feb 5, 2023 | Law | 0 comments

Can a Person Handle His or Her Own Traffic Tickets?

If you don’t need to drive, and could care less about points, or the cost of your automobile insurance bills, don’t read this article. For all others, these are eleven (11) motivations for deciding to retain a traffic offense attorney for a traffic violation charge:

Convenience: Being too busy or taking time off from work to have to appear in court. This may be due to the court location being a long distance from where the driver lives.

Keeping your car insurance rates low: Many states have an integrated auto insurance and motor vehicle crimes law (e.g., SC), where every reported traffic violation immediately pushes up your insurance premiums.

Avoiding points being added to your DMV-DPS-BMV-DDS record: All states use a “demerit points system ” for tracking scofflaws who repeatedly fail to obey traffic laws. Accumulating points causes license suspension, sooner or later. Youthful drivers under age 21 are limited to very few points in Georgia before being suspended by DDS Georgia.

Job impact: In 2020, nearly 35% of all Americans will have some transportation-related employment. That number has gone up since 2016, when 30% were classified as driving dependent. Uber, Lyft and other rideshare companies has boosted these numbers greatly.

The driver charged with an offense may dispute one or more aspects of the pending traffic citation: Either the alleged speed was reported as being too high by the officer. A traffic court attorney knows the many ways to “contest” the case.

Use of a company vehicle can be a big employment “perk.” Losing this job benefit could cost you $600 to $800 a month, if you had to buy a new vehicle, plus insure it and pay maintenance costs on it.

For more info with cases such as this please do not hesitate to contact The Law Offices Of Cory J Lynch in Atlanta, GA.

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