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Evidence in Drunk Driving Accident Claims
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Evidence in Drunk Driving Accident Claims

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Law | 0 comments

If you use a car accident attorney in Roswell, Ga to help you pursue car accident compensation, you have to prove the other driver was at fault, which means you need evidence.

When a drunk driver injures you, you want evidence that shows they were intoxicated. This can include your testimony regarding the crash and your interactions with the other driver. You might have smelled alcohol or seen open containers of alcohol in the car. You might have noticed the driver slurred their words or had difficulties staying upfront and balanced.

A car wreck attorney in College Park such as The Law Offices Of Cory J Lynch in Atlanta, GA can help you get a copy of the police report. When the police suspect a drunk driver, they’ll note their observations in their report. They might ask that driver to blow into a roadside breath test or perform a field sobriety test.

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